So i'm starting to feel much much better. My morning sickness is now mainly when I dont eat. I mean I eat all the time, but like if i wait to long in the morning or too long in between meals.
I heard little blueberry's heartbeat again last tuesday and I have my ultrasound on November 11ths, and yes we are going to find out what we are having and will let everyone know soon after that.
Since I have more energy now I've been able to do more around the house and get things done that i've been putting off. I finally went through all Brighton's winter clothing and separated out what fits and what doesn't. I'll probably get rid of what I don't need after we figure out if Blueberry is a boy or girl.
I finally finished Brighton's Halloween costume after realizing last night that I needed it for this Saturday. He's a Super Hero.
The cape I won from Cutie Patutus (, and the leggings I got from Baby Legs (
And I got the rest at walmart and I made the t-shirt by printing off an image from the computer and cutting it out of felt, and I outlined it with glow in the dark fabric paint.
We also decorated pumpkins! We decided to carve them closer to Halloween so they wouldn't get rotten and saggy.
But I got a sharpie marker and some glow in the dark paint and Brighton and I colored our "poh-kins" as he calls them. They look pretty cool.
This weekend we are going to Bootanica at the local public gardens called Botanica. I'm pretty excited and my dad or "hampa" is coming too!
That's the end for now. These posts post to facebook too, so if you'd like to visit my actual blog go to
I worked hard to make it look nice!