Monday, January 31, 2011

What I've been thinking about lately

So I have like 70 days to go. yay! I can't wait to have this little baby in my arms and for Brighton to meet her. He knows there is a baby in my tummy and we've started talking about the baby coming out but I still don't think he quite gets it. He's been around babies and seems to like them and loves to give them hugs and kisses. I do worry a bit because h hugs them around the neck (sometimes a little too hard), but not in an aggressive way at all. He just loves them. I think Brighton will be really curious about the baby and I think keeping him involved in the new baby like helping get the diapers and clothing and such will help him adjust to her. I plan on keeping the same routine at home and doing all the same activities (when I'm able). He loves the zoo and the park and playing outside. April is an iffy month sometimes, but by May the weather will be nice enough to be outside most of the days. I've also been thinking of enrolling him in a preschool like program or a summer program at the library or something. He'll be 3 in May and I know he will benefit from the social interactions with other children as well as the learning aspect.

I've also beening thinking about the actual birth of this new baby. With Brighton, I was induced and ended up deciding to get an epidural which in retrospect I don't think I really needed. I had some complications after that I really want to avoid this time around. I want a shorter hospital stay too. With Brighton, I checked in Tuesday night, and left Friday night. This time I'd like to leave 24-36 hours after birth.
I'm planning on a natural birth with no medical intervention. I'm praying this baby decides to come on her own before 41 weeks. I want to labor at home as long as possible. The hospital is less than 10 minutes away. I know I can do it. And Mitchel is on board with it too. We've talked about it and we both know my limitations and concerns and desires. He's very supportive of whatever I choose to do.

We've also finalized her name. But, sorry I can't tell. We've decided to keep it a secret. We both love the name though and she has 2 middle names!

So that's all for now!
Let's see if I can get a few pictures on here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your almost there!!! I hate the last couple months, they seem so long