I am reposting this for a fellow blogger. Please read through the whole thing and help if you can. Please repost if you feel led and please pray for this girl.
A Small Act of Kindness
We can do no great things, only small things with great love. ~Mother Teresa
Inspiration. I've talked a lot about it recently (or thought a lot about it anyway).
Today I feel like I've been presented an opportunity to help someone & I feel inspired to do so. If you feel the same, please let me know. I can use all the help I could get. I know I have no special powers, I don't have mass amounts of money to give to those who need it, I don't have much influence on anyone save for a few close people... What I do have is a blog with less than 100 followers, a twitter following of 300 some odd folks who may or may not care what I tweet & I have a few resources.
I want to compile all of that & ask anyone reading this for help.
I'm not normally one of those people who announces when someone close to me has gotten ill or has passed away. I'm not a person who puts on facebook "RIP Grandpa..." or someone else. I'm just not. I don't try to pretend I knew someone who was involved in an accident or someone who died, just to say I knew them. What I am though, is someone who is compassionate (at least I think so) & when someone I do know is hurting, I want to help. I need to help.
Four years ago or so, I met a group of wonderful ladies while I was planning my wedding. We were all planning our weddings, our dream weddings. We spoke almost daily & we confided in one another. We have still kept in touch to this day. Some more than others, but that's beside the point. One of these women needs us. She needs everyone.
I think she's a pretty private woman, so I'd like to keep this as private as I can, given what I'm about to say (and she has NO idea that I'm doing this- I wouldn't want her to know if this fails). Her husband was murdered. Murdered. Someone took his life. Someone who probably didn't even know him & for no good reason, except that there are people in the world who do things like that.
And she's 32 weeks pregnant with their first child. Their child will never get to know his or her father...
And she's been laid off from work in the past month...
And I'm imagining, she's as lost as anyone can be. As hurting as anyone can be.
My group of friends & I are planning on helping how we can.
I'm wondering if there's anyone else out there- who makes or sells baby products, that would like to help. Or if there's anyone out there with a gently used item or two... Based on her baby registry, she's planning on cloth diapering, at least part of the time. They've asked for organic items- clothing & such... & chlorine free disposable newborn diapers & wipes. They don't have a lot of family, nor a lot of money (as no one does in this economy, of course), & they weren't getting a baby shower...
ETA: They chose to be surprised about the baby's gender, so we don't know those details. Most of the items they've registered for are green. At this point, all I know that they have for sure, are the stroller, the crib & one set of bedding. I'm unsure of anything else, but, knowing, how hectic the last two months were when I was pregnant with buying & planning, I'm assuming she doesn't have a lot of items, nor will she be feeling like she wants to get any...
If you think you can help, or you know someone who would be interested in helping, please, please contact me at amandawallace526 at gmail dot com - subject line: Baby D.
And please, if you are unable to help in any other way, just say a simple prayer (if that's what you do) or send good wishes to this beautiful woman who is about to become a mama. She & her babe need happy thoughts now more than ever...