Wednesday, December 30, 2009

my new topic to post about...hopefully

So i've been thinking long and hard about what to post about because I feel that i should blog with a purpose, not just posting randomly. I felt that i should blog about my life and how it's changing as a grow with God, but i'm not really growing in my faith. I go to church, but that's it. i barely read my Bible (i can give you a million excuses why i don't...) I do pray but I don't feel that I'm doing it well or right. It's half hearted before I go to bed and most of the time I fall asleep.

So our church is starting a 21 day fast to help grow spiritually individually and as a church. I wasn't in the service so I didn't catch the whole reason....(i have a million excuses why I wasnt there...actually I was probably in the nursery). So I've just kind of felt lost lately and I think this fast will really help bring me closer to God. I'm excited to read the Bible and learn more about the fast. Mitchel and I decided to participate in the Daniel fast where we only fruits and veggies. I learned we can eat nuts and brown rice, so that helps with menu items. Tomorrow after work we are going shopping at Wholefoods for some organic fruits and veggies and somethings. I was totally lost on how I was to go about eating only these things and eating heathly at the same time. So i googled Daniel Fast and I found a blog

It's pretty interesting and alot of help along with some other websites that I can't remember at the moment.

So on the ride home I prayed about the fast and what other things I could do this year as well, because this fast is only 21 days. I believe that God wants us (me and Mitchel at least) to participate in the fast for long to really challenge ourselves. And to also live more frugally this year. To shop more at thrift store and buy used when we can. I really think this will help us save money and be able to give more to the church and also give more to others who may need it. I really think this is going to challenge us this year, and I pray it will bring us closer together as husband and wife.

I was also thinking of the 7 deadly sins and which ones apply to me. So here's a possibly funny take on my sinning....maybe

1 Extravagance-i have prime rib tastes on a hamburger budget
2 Lust-did you see the picture of the cowboy fabric on my facebook...
3 Gluttony-yes i've lost the baby weight, but it's finding me again...thank you chocolate
4 Greed-i drive past the lottery sign everyday...
5 Acedia-i don't know what this is...and i don't want to look it up...see number 7
6 Despair-yeah, things arent really that bad-YES THEY ARE...MY LIFE SUCKS!!!
7 Sloth- I am sooo lazy...that's all, i'm too lazy to think of an example
8 Wrath-I really have a hot temper. it's not funny. i get mad really mad really fast
9 Envy-i wish i had the cloth diapers Trenna has. I wish I was cool like Beki. I wish I could be a stay at home mom like them
10 (Excessive) Pride- I love my baby, he can talk and walk and dance and everything that your baby can't...
11 Vainglory-I can be pretty vain, I love my new hair cut. it's makes me look really good

ok that's it. I obviously have alot to work on. I really do struggle with all of these (as do alot of people). And I'm finally in a place where I can get down to business and get my life together.
I'm going to try to blog about it as much as I can but I'm not going to bore anyone with it. It's exciting to me and I hope it can inspire others too.

So to all 5 of my followers tell your friends about my super cool new blog!

This is really long...I hope you read it all!

1 comment:

Annie said...

I'll be praying for you Heather! I pray that God blesses you in ways that shock you - I am so glad you church is doing this and so are you and Mitch. Josh just go done doing a fast for his work and God sure did bless him.

Have a happy 2010!